Message from the Chair

Prof. Ambedkar Dukkipati
Chair - CSIC
Academic and industry collaborations play a crucial role in a society’s intellectual and economic growth. In India, where our economy is expected to reach $5 trillion soon, such collaborations hold even greater significance. At IISc, we are eager to share our latest research findings with our industry partners. Our interactions with industry also help drive our research as they pose challenging problems for us to solve.
The Centre for Scientific and Industrial Consultancy (CSIC) at IISc is a platform for facilitating collaborations between IISc and industries. We are interested in interacting with a broad spectrum of industries, from startups to large conglomerates globally. We are here to facilitate collaborations such as consultancy, development, evaluation, training, and research projects in various fields.
Please contact me or the CSIC office to initiate any collaboration with IISc.